Monday, September 15, 2008

White-footed Mouse

My friend discovered this tiny White-footed Mouse on the ground as we were crossing a road while birding.
This is a new mammal species for me, although I know that it is fairly widespread over Canada and the US. Further research has revealed that it is also known as a Deer Mouse, a name I have heard of many times.
My other friend who was with us gently put it under some bushes and hopefully it stayed out of the way of traffic or cats.
It's pretty cute isn't it :-)


kjpweb said...

Very nice! And cute,too!
Cheers, Klaus

The Birdlady said...

Yes indeed it's cute....looks pretty fed up.

Shelley said...

Adorable - almost doesn't look real!

Nick S said...

Poor little thing was just sitting there on the ground. I'm sure he would have ended up as somethings lunch had we not saved him :-)