Monday, August 16, 2010

Ruffed Grouse and some recent Acomplishments

Another late update here, but this one is just to tide things over until I move house, which will be next month.
We have a beautiful new house and a big yard that I can turn into a bird paradise!

This male Ruffed Grouse was at a park about 30 minutes from town, sitting on its favorite log and attracting a mate by 'drumming' its wings which creates a loud thumping sound.
Many people have heard this sound from the woods, but not everyone has actually seen it. Very cool !

I thought I'd let some of my Blogger friends know that I've had a few things published this Summer ...

Birdwatch Canada magazine used several of my photos including the cover shot of a Western Meadowlark :

Prairies North Magazine - did a feature of the Red Deer River Valley and used a few of my photos in their Spring Issue. They will also be using one of my photos in their 2011 Calendar :

A 432 page field guide called 'The Birds of Quebec' by Jean Paquin, also used a number of my photographs. This can be bought on :

Also, anyone that lives locally can see my photos regularly in Nature Saskatchewan's Blue Jay Magazine and in the Sun newspaper in the 'Nature Notes " column.