Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Great Backyard Bird Count

Well, it's been a while since my last update, but you'll have to forgive me , as its been far too cold to go birding outside for the most part.
Luckily , it did warm up over the long-weekend, givng myself and a couple of friends the chance to get out and see what species we could find for the Great Backyard Bird Count.
After 4 days of scouting around looking for bird species, Saskatoon's tally ended up 1 short of last years 33, so not too bad.

Highlights were :

Bald Eagle

Sharp-tailed Grouse

Pine Siskin

Purple Finch

Evening Grosbeak

Common Redpoll

European Starling

Northern Shrike

Cedar Waxwing

American Robin

American Tree Sparrow

Horned Lark

Here are 3 new photos I got over the weekend, 2 that show how some of these hardy birds survive the cold cold winter days, by eating frozen berries !

American Robin ( click to view full size )

Cedar Waxwing ( click to view full size )

Evening Grosbeak