Friday, July 30, 2010

More Catch-Up !

I haven't been birding much during July, as we are currently in the fun process of selling our house, but I thought you might like to see a bunch of recent images that I haven't had a time to put on the blog until now ..

American Goldfinch :

White Admiral :

Le Conte's Sparrow :

Helmeted Guineafowl :


Rock Wren

Franklin's Ground Squirrel

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Big July Update !

Sorry for the long delay in updating!
Recently my wife and I took a few days off work to enjoy some time at Prince Albert National Park, where we found a few nice things , as well as ending up with more than a few Mosquito bites!
In the couple of days I was there, I only located a few Warbler species , but the highlight was a handsome male Bay-breasted Warbler, and we both got nice looks at a young Black Bear.
I've also been out and about when I haven't been working, so there are a ton of new photos to share ...

First lot are from Prince Albert National Park :

Black Bear

Gray Jay

Bay-breasted Warbler

Spruce Grouse (female)


White-tailed Deer fawn

Bonaparte's Gull

Now, some local sparrow species from parks around town :

Savannah Sparrow

Clay-colored Sparrow

Nelson's Sparrow