Monday, July 28, 2008

Common Yellowthroat & More

Here are some new photos taken along the riverbank this month ...

Common Yellowthroat - These are often heard and not seen, or remain hidden in the reeds by water. This one came out to investigate me as I did my best to mimic its call:

Mourning Dove - I found a pair of these resting on a boulder, sunning themselves. One took off while the other stayed behind:

Brown Thrasher - This juvenile does not yet have the distinctive yellow eye of the adult birds. There are many youngsters around right now, along the river:

American Goldfinch - this handsome male came down for a drink:

Eastern Kingbird - A common bird along the river. This juvenile was hawking flies from its perch:

Clay-colored Sparrow - The most common Sparrow along the river this summer. If anyone knows what the bean-like shrub is, I'd like to know :-)

Thirteen-lined Ground Squirrel - This is the third species of ground squirrel I've photographed along the river this year. I usually only find our most common , the Richardson's, so this was a pleasant surprise:


Nick S said...

My friend just informed me that the 'Bean' plant is most probably Caragana. A very common shrub here on the prairies.
I really should have known that ! :-)

The Birdlady said...

Beautiful birds, and that other creautre is amazing looking! I've NEVER seen anything that looked like that!

kjpweb said...

Amazing images! So well done! Kudos!
Cheers, Klaus

Nick S said...

thanks very much guys !

Shelley said...

I have never seen a ground squirrel like that - very beautiful!

Nick S said...

Thanks Shelly. They are attractive little things aren't they .

John Theberge said...

Superb images as usual! I occasionally see the common yellowthroat flitting around the thickets when I go on my search for roadside wildflowers.

Nick S said...

Thanks very much John. Its usually the song I hear before I see them :-)

Nick S said...

Thanks Barb !