Sunday, May 4, 2008

Riverbank Hike Part Three

Here are some more photos from a few recent walks around the river .

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker :

This colorful Woodpecker only showed up last week . I think the Males are one of the best looking birds we have in Saskatchewan.

American Tree Sparrow :

I've noticed these cheerful little Sparrows grouping up now as they prepare to head North and breed . The Chipping Sparrows which look fairly similar but lack the dark breast spot and pretty song are now starting to arrive and will take their place for awhile.

Hooded Merganser :

This female lacks the striking Black and White colors of the Male but is still an attractive bird in its own right.

Yellow-rumped Warbler ( Myrtle Race ):

Even though the left-over berries are from last year, they will still sustain these little Warblers until more insects start appearing.

American White Pelican :

I never tire of watching these large birds effortlessly glide along over the weir.

Northern Flicker ( Yellow-shafted ) :

While investigating a sound coming from atop a tree I nearly stepped on this Woodpecker as he was sunbathing. Not moving, I actually thought he was injured, and held him in my hands for a fraction of a second, and was all set to take him to the nearby animal clinic, until it suddenly took off and landed in a nearby tree and started pecking away, acting completely normal.

American Kestrel :

Here is the same male from my last update. I had to climb down a steep hill to get this image of him with the weir as a backdrop.

Hermit Thrush :

These shots were taken last week when they were more numerous. It won't be long now before the Swainson's & Gray-cheeked Thrushes arrive...

Osprey :

I have probably seen more Osprey this year than I ever have in my life. I must have seen close to 25 already just over 3 recent walks along the river
The light was not optimal for this shot, but it still shows the impressive wingspan.


kjpweb said...

Very good show you put on! The Flicker shot is great. Just came back from a days at the coast and saw tons of brown Pelicans. So similar but very different behavior (and quite a bit smaller than the white ones.)
And for the Ospreys - same down here in Florida - more every year, as well as Bald Eagles.
Cheers, Klaus

Nick S said...

Thanks for the comments guys :-)

John Theberge said...

As expected, part three is just as great as parts one and two.

Shelley said...

Your post today is bird heaven for us bird lovers! Especially liked the sapsucker!

The Birdlady said...

Hi Nick. All wonderful, as usual, but the little "butter-butt" stretching for the berry is my favorite.

Sandpiper (Lin) said...

Gorgeous pictures. Such a nice variety of birds. I've been keeping watch for the YB Sapsuckers, and today I saw a tree where they had been tapping, but still no sapsuckers in sight.

Nick S said...

Many thanks everyone. My next update should have even more variety :-)

Aunt "B's" Backyard said...

Hi Nick, I've said it before, but your photos are just to die for!!
Incredible work!!! Stunning! Can't wait for the next one.

Stacey Olson said...

You are such a great photographer! you always show such wonderful shots you really should be proud.

Jotter Jan said...

What can I say Nick...your photography is out of this world!!!What a grand series!!!!