Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Boundary Trail

Last Friday, a friend and I drove out to an area south of the city known as Boundary Trail.
It consists of a narrow stretch of land surrounded by Willows and Aspen with two sloughs on either side of the 'road' which then leads to a bigger marshy area.
I was hoping we'd find a Black-crowned Night Heron or maybe a Kingfisher, but that wasn't to be the case, although we did find a few nice things...

Highlights were 3 Northern Harriers , 2 very vocal Alder Flycatchers ,a few young Common Yellowthroats, a Pied-billed Grebe , a lone female American Redstart and a very handsome Prairie Falcon.

Here are 3 photos :

Northern Harrier - This juvenile was performing some impressive aerobatics :

Common Yellowthroat - one of a few Juveniles in the area :

Great Spangled Fritillary - It was nice to see one of these beautiful butterflies :


The Birdlady said...

Hi Nick...I've enever seen a juve common yellowthroat - this one is gorgeous.

Shelley said...

Nick - that common yellow throat is just a heart warmingly beautiful photo! And your harrier pose looks like he's in the movie "The Matrix" - ha,ha.

Nick S said...

Thankyou for the kind words :-)
The Harrier seemed to be having flying lessons from its parent. The other young one was nearby and the adult was perched way out near the marsh. So nice to see three all together like that.

2sweetnsaxy said...

Great pictures! My heart goes to that little cutie in the middle pictures. :-)