Thursday, January 28, 2010

Downy Woodpecker

Things are a little slow right now, and a little cold too! We had a ton of snow dump on us a few days ago, which meant lots of shoveling and helping people to get their cars unstuck.
The great thing about Saskatchewan, as well as the wildlife, are the wonderful people, who always rally together in times like this.

Here's a female Downy Woodpecker from a recent look around Pike Lake :


Chris said...

Hi Nick,
Tons of snow ;-) Well i guess it is then pretty hard to go out birding. had been the same here but because of rain! No snow at all but tons of raindrops!!! Today might be good and I might take my afternoon off, just to get around and watch.... Beautiful picture once again and nice background!

Kerri Farley said...

Great shot of the Downy!!

holdingmoments said...

Beautiful shot Nick.
No snow here at the moment; sunny, but cold.

Mary Howell Cromer said...

There you are up in north country getting these great images of the Downy and we have them right outside our door as well. Nice that we can have the same birds and yet live so far away~

2sweetnsaxy said...

What a beauty. Excellent photo.

Dawn Fine said...

Lovely shot of the Downy!