Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Three Owls & A Porcupine

Yesterday lunchtime I travelled once more to Aberdeen to show a friend where to find the two Snowy Owls that were not too far from the townsite.
The weather was a balmy - 26ยบ . So no change there then !
Of course, seeing as the Northern Hawk Owl is still sitting pretty right within the town, I had to have another look at this beautiful bird and take yet more photos of her.
Also in the townsite was a single Common Raven , 15 House Sparrows, at least 50 Bohemian Waxwings , and a single Cedar Waxwing . I did not find the 2 Robins that I'd found there on a previous visit.
We ended up only finding one Snowy Owl , but as we were leaving, I spotted a very pale Great-horned Owl perched in some bushes by the side of the road. It didn't like us looking at it and flew off as soon as we stopped the car.
So, happy with our three-Owl day we then ventured back to Saskatoon where we tried for the Northern Cardinal ( no luck there ), but did see 12 Chickadees , 5 White-winged Crossbills , 3 House Finch , 3 White-breasted Nuthatch , 1 Red-shafted Flicker and a Downy Woodpecker . We then stopped by Victoria Park, where across the other side of the river we could see a lone Perched Bald Eagle looking down on a slither of open water .
To end the trip we walked along part of the river where a surprise highlight for me was a very well fed Porcupine literally out on a limb eating twigs about 25ft up in the air.

Here are some photos :

Bohemian Waxwing

Northern Hawk Owl

Snowy Owl

Black-capped Chickadee

Common Porcupine


research paper service said...

Your photography skills are so brilliant. My favorites have to be the snowy owl which reminds me of Hedwig from Harry Potter and that cute little porcupine that looks so annoyed. Great work.

1 click dissertation review said...

The birds are so cute. Especially the firat one looks so adorable with the plants in background. Though i don't like owls but thia white owl is also looking good. I have never seen before white owl.