Sunday, November 9, 2008

Feeding the Wildlife at Pike Lake

In a previous post, I mentioned my wife and I went to Pike Lake last Sunday and had a wonderful afternoon feeding the wildlife there.
Its always a thrill to have a wild bird perch on your hand and take food.
The Red Squirrel and Downy Woodpecker were either very hungry, or just very friendly, as this is the first time I've seen either so tame before.
In fact I've never seen a Woodpecker feed from anyone's hand before, until now.
The Red Squirrel actually sat on my wife's foot at one point , happily eating peanuts without a care in the world while she petted him.

Here are some photos ( As usual click to see them full size )

Downy Woodpecker :

White-breasted Nuthatch :

Red Squirrel :


Unknown said...

A wild bird eating out of your hand and that woodpeckers and nathatch is just incredible. You are one lucky guy.

The images beautifully capture this behaviour...Thomas

John Theberge said...

Wow, great shots. I can't believe you were able to pet that squirrel. It rained all weekend here so I never did get out in the backyard to photograph the birds.

Jayne said...

What a great way to start my day! I am grinning from ear to ear!! Oh, the joy. ;c)

Mike said...

I have seen this before with Robins which on the whole are quite approachable, but never with a Nuthatch or Woodpecker, I would never had beleived it without your photos, nice one.

Shelley said...

The cuteness factor is overwhelming me! great shots - can't stop looking at them!
Now I need to have a talk w/ my downy and nuthatch - so far the chickadees are agreeable! (Though I have heard the nuthatches can be easily tamed - also the tufted titmouse.)

Nick S said...

Thanks guys :-)

Something that has worked for me when feeding wild Chickadees in my backyard , and also the occasional Red-breasted Nuthatch , was to make the birds very accustomed to the yard and me, and then remove all the food one day, stand outside with hand outstretched and wait, and wait...and, eventually it does work !
Of course, it depends how patient you are too :-)

The Birdlady said...

She must be the ultimate "Bird Whisperer." These are amazing!

NCmountainwoman said...

Amazing photographs. I don't think I've ever seen a woodpecker or nuthatch eat from someone's hand. Just lovely.

kjpweb said...

How the heck did you manage those feats! Extraordinary!
Cheers, Klaus

Nick S said...

I have to say it was a pretty magical afternoon.
My wife went back with her sister this last weekend, and only managed to feed a few Chickadees, so maybe there was something in the water that day :-)

DeniseinVA said...

Ow, what a great post and gorgeous photographs. I am green with envy, I would give anything to have that kind of interaction with my feathered and squirrel friends.