Saturday, October 4, 2008

Whooping Cranes Return

Ten adult Whooping Cranes were spotted by a landowner at Osler, Saskatchewan this week ,so I traveled out there early yesterday morning and was happy to see them.
The last time I saw these rare Cranes was in the Spring and there were only three.
I hope this is a good indication that the population is on the rise...


2sweetnsaxy said...

Great shot. I can tell you're excited about those cranes and that's very cool. :-)

The Birdlady said...

Ooh, I LOVE that picture - very tranquil, and the cranes are beautiful.

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

Beautiful!Wish I had a chance to see these birds.Maybe someday they will pass through Manitoba,at least where we will notice them

Nick S said...

Thanks ladies. To see ten in one place is very rare, so it is a pretty significant sighting for us lucky Saskatchewan birders.

John Theberge said...

Wow, lucky you to be able to see these rare birds but not only that you were to get an awesome photograph. Lucky us that you did.

Nick S said...

Thanks John. I'm glad I got all 10 in frame too !

NCmountainwoman said...

What a great shot! It is the very picture of autumn. I do so love those cranes.

kjpweb said...

Let's hope for the best! Never saw one in the wild!
Although I have a hard time making out the difference between the Whooping Crane and the European Common Crane. Behavior?
Cheers, Klaus

Nick S said...

Klaus, the Common Crane is smaller and not White as the Whooping Cranes is.
Common's have a grey body with a black chin .
The Whooping Crane still remains an endangered species.

Shelley said...

How wonderful to see this group - great photo!