Thursday, September 18, 2008

Riverbank Mammals

Many of the smaller mammals found along the riverbank are stockpiling food , or 'pigging out ' so they have enough fat reserves to survive hibernation during the Winter.
Last year, there was a Beaver Lodge along the lower banks of Cosmopolitan Park, but that seems to have been moved and I haven't seen a single one there this year.

Every once in a while I will notice the grass move beneath my feet as a Meadow Vole scurries away. These are most often found along the east bank of the river near the Weir.
Chipmunks are very noticeable in the Fall as they find suitable 'eating platforms', often returning to the same favorite 'perch' to consume yet another berry.

Least Chipmunk - In the first photo , it looks like he's wearing a pair of purple gloves thanks to the juice of the Chokecherry he's munching on :

Thirteen-lined Ground Squirrel - This little guy had just finished eating and was sunbathing next to it's burrow. This is the 4th one I have seen along the river this year. They are usually far outnumbered by their cousins, the Richardson's Ground Squirrel, so it is always a pleasure to see this ( in my humble opinion )prettier species :


The Birdlady said...

They are just to cute! Those little purple "hands"....oh, my goodness!

Mike said...

Stunning sharp shots Nick all in perfect settings, like em.

John Theberge said...

Love the photo of the purple gloved chipmunk and the second photo is amazing, it struck a perfect pose for you.

kjpweb said...

Unbelievably good shots, Nick!
Forget Moose Peterson - check out Nick!!!!
Cheers, Klaus

me ann my camera said...

These little critters are really cute. Lovely pictures. I posted a Chipmunk also yesterday, mine I had found on a rock in the middle of the river!

Nick S said...

Thanks for the kind words guys ! :-)