Monday, January 28, 2008

Waxwings, Owls & Robins at Aberdeen

As some of you may know, since mid December, a Northern Hawk Owl, out of its usual winter range , has been residing in the small town of Aberdeen Saskatchewan.
I have been back there two more times since my last update and was pleased to find , that there was not just the Hawk Owl, but also Cedar and Bohemian Waxwings in quite impressive numbers, two overwintering American Robins and more recently, 2 Snowy Owls not too far from the town site as an added bonus.

Here are some photos - click for full size , or you can just view them as they are if you are on dial up or a slow connection .

Cedar Waxwings

Bohemian Waxwings

Northern Hawk Owl

On Friday the Owl was still there , and I got this shot of her in action (thanks to Brent T )

American Robin

Snowy Owls

1 comment:

Rocky M said...

Hey Nick,
Gotta say you have some phenomenal new photos in here.I'm astonished there's no comments.Beautiful work !